What is Hidden Valley Lake Community Services District doing in response to COVID-19?
A Great Big Shout Out to HVLCSD Staff! Thank you for your continued efforts to keep our water and wastewater infrastructure running throughout this global pandemic.
The spread of COVID-19 may necessitate changes in the way we interact, but it does not change what we do. The District will continue to operate and will continue to deliver the same high-quality drinking water and wastewater services we have always provided.
In these unprecedented times, Hidden Valley Lake Community Services District is taking extraordinary measures to help protect against the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). The health and safety of our employees, the Board of Directors, customers, and the public we serve is a top priority, as is our commitment to providing safe and reliable water.
COVID-19 and Your Water
The COVID-19 coronavirus has no impact on the quality or supply of your tap water. And as always, your tap water is both available, plentiful, and safe. We will continue to operate our water system to ensure reliable water service to our customers that meet all the drinking state and federal drinking water standards. Water Transmission and COVID 19
While it’s always advisable to stock a reasonable amount of bottled water at home in case of emergencies that disrupt the water supply, HVLCSD does not expect this health outbreak to disrupt service to our customers.
Protecting our Employees and Customers
We are committed to providing safe, reliable water and wastewater services to meet your public health and safety needs during this difficult period.
To ensure continuity of water delivery, the district is working with our vendors to prioritize the delivery of vital supplies.
District facilities are now open to the public. To protect customers and our staff please wear a mask when entering the lobby and adhere to social distancing and protective measures that have been established. You may still drop off payments, Start, Stop, and Transfer Service by calling our main number at (707)987-9201 or email at info@hvlcsd.org.
District Business
The Board of Directors continues to practice social distancing during meetings as well as offer remote call-in capabilities. Members of the public may participate in Board and Committee meetings via Microsoft Teams. District Meeting and Agendas can be found here.
Coronavirus cleaning? Don’t flush disinfectant wipes, paper towels, or "flushable wipes"! Just Don't!
As Californians continue to stockpile disinfecting wipes and paper towels to sanitize their homes amid widespread coronavirus concerns, state water regulators this week reminded individuals to throw those items in the trash rather than flush them down the toilet.
Nylon wipes and paper towels are stronger than toilet paper and do not break down in water in the same fashion. Flushing them can quickly cause clogs, wreaking havoc on sewer systems and treatment plant pumps and resulting in spills that end up in lakes, rivers, and the ocean, according to the State Water Resources Control Board.
“Flushing wipes, paper towels, and similar products down toilets will clog sewers and cause backups and overflows at wastewater treatment facilities, creating an additional public health risk in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic,” the board wrote in a prepared statement. “Even wipes labeled flushable will clog pipes and interfere with sewage collection and treatment throughout the state.”
Walk-in Office
Additional Resources
Please consult the resources below for additional information on how to stay healthy and updated during the coronavirus outbreak.
General Resources
California Department of Public Health
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website Lake County Public Health Department
Lake County Environmental Health
Drinking-Water Resources
State Water Resource Control Board Fact Sheet on COVID-19 & Drinking Water Systems